Reading room - Terms of Use

The working hours of the reading room at 22, Psaromiligkou Street are daily from 9.00 am to 16.00 pm, by appointment only.

A. Request submission procedure 

Researchers must submit their reading application online ( Once the application has been approved, the researchers are notified to set an appointment to visit the reading Room.

B. Terms of access to archival material

Access to the HAAR is free. As regards the Archive of the Archaeological Service specifically, there is unlimited access to the Sub-Archive of the General Ephorate of Antiquities. The semi-active administrative archive of the years 2000-2014 is accessible only by officials. Access to the other Sub-Archives is permitted under the provisions of

  • Article 30 of Law 4624/2019 (Government Gazette, Series I, Issue 137/29-8-2019) “Data Protection Authority”; and
  • Article 59 of Law 4727/2020 (Government Gazette, Series I, Issue 184/23.09.2020) “Digital Governance (Transposition of Directive (EU) 2016/2102 and Directive (EU) 2019/1024) into Greek legislation…”;
  • Article 63(8) of Law 4727/2020 (Government Gazette, Series I, Issue 184/23.09.2020) “the content of artifacts must not be altered and distorted in any manner...”.
  • Where the archival material contains sensitive data, researchers must fill out a solemn declaration concerning confidentiality and personal data protection.

C. Reading Room Regulations 

  • Archival material may be studied on the ground floor of the building, in an appropriately designed area. Materials shall be handed over solely and exclusively by the competent employee. Researchers are prohibited from entering the repositories.

  • Upon entering the space, researchers shall place their bags and any other items they might be carrying with them in a special safe and keep the key on their persons.

  • Researchers shall enter their data (capacity, e-mail address, telephone number) and the topic of their research in the register of researchers by filling out the relevant fields.

  • The material to be studied shall be provided gradually. The details of the archival material provided for study shall be completed in detail in the daily researcher reading sheet kept for each visit to the Reading Room. The above data shall be kept and checked by the competent employee in order to ensure the completeness of the archival material returned. Researchers shall sign the aforesaid reading sheet on a daily basis.

  • Books or other archival material of the HAAR may not be transported outside the reading room.

  • Researchers may not make pen or pencil notes on the archival artifacts and may not bring their personal effects (notebooks, laptops, etc.) into contact with the archival material. Researchers are further prohibited from bringing any food, liquids, and/or sharp objects with them.

  • Use of laptop computers is allowed on HAAR premises.

  • Photography and/or digital reproduction of archival material is allowed. Publication, whether in print or digital, requires special authorisations, in accordance with the required specifications (service logo, specific quality of digital resolution, etc.).

  • Reproduction of the archival material via photocopy is not allowed for the purpose of protecting the original artifact.

  • All researchers are kindly requested to be particularly careful when placing the archival material in its original location within the archival box, without disturbing the contents thereof.